As clarification and further additions to the remarkable findings that have been mentioned in the recent
commentary that was published on the website:
In the main it enumerates verifiable scientific proof that the Quran is the word of God and points to the
number 19 and the role it plays in the structuring of the words, verses and chapters in the Quran which signifies the uniqueness of the Quran and the Oneness of the
Creator. The followings are some highlights and some additions to the expositions:
The number of Arabic letters that make up the invocation (In the Name of God the Beneficent the Merciful) to
chapter 1 ( Alfatiha) of the Quran is 19. The Arabic letters in the invocation are:
بسم ألله ألرحمن ألرحيم
Considering the very first Arabic words that were revealed to prophet Mohammad while he was in contemplation
and prayers in the first heavenly encounter with Arch Angle Gabriel were:
أقرأ بأسم
ربك ألذي خلق
خلق ألأنسان
من علق
أقرأ وربك
ألذي علم
علم ألأنسان
مالم يعلم
The English translation of these five verses is:
“Read in the Name of your Lord who created
Created the human from something that clings
Read and your Lord is most gracious
Who taught with the pen
Taught the human that which he knows not.”
On counting the number of Arabic letters in the above five verses in Arabic which is the language in which th
Quran was revealed, it turns out that the total number of words is 19.
Upon the completion of the chapter and when further verses were revealed at later instances, it turns out that
the total number of verses that constitute the chapter of the cling (chapter 96) is also 19.
The total number of chapters in the Quran is 114 chapters. This number is a whole multiple of 19. (114 = 19x6.)
The list goes on and on.
5- In chapter 55 of the Quran( The chapter of the Beneficent)
there occurs a verse (55:13-77) that is repeated some 31 times in that very same chapter. It reads: ”In which of your Lord’s attributes do you deny?” This is a challenge
to all of the creation to admit the greatness and power of the Creator.
Lo and behold, it turns out that the number of letters in this verse is again19.
6-The most remarkable and mind
boggling fact which shows the intricacy of the structuring of the letters, words, verses and chapters lies in what is called “ The broken letters.”
These are letters or group of letters that are found at the beginning of a number
of chapters of the Quran (twenty eight in total.) Each letter or a group of letters take up the stature of the first verse in the chapter that they belong to. As examples:
-The Arabic letters “A l m” which form the first verse in the second chapter.
-The Arabic letters “H M’ which forms the first verse in chapter 41.
-The Arabic letter “Q” which forms the first verse in chapter 50.
-The Arabic letter “N” which starts the first verse in chapter 52.
These letters were, until recently, very puzzling. No translator of the Quran was
able to come up with a convincing explanation as to the meaning or the purpose of these letters.
Recently, it has been discovered that these letters or the group of them occur in
that chapter that the letter or group of letters heads a whole multiple of 19 times. As an illustration, chapters 41, 50 and 52 have been chosen since the counting can be
easily done with a simple calculator and takes only a few minutes to check:
-The two letters “H M” in chapter 41 occur 304 times in the chapter, which is a
whole multiple of 19(304=16x19)
-The letter “Q” in chapter 50 occurs 57 times in the chapter, which is a whole
multiple of 19(57=3x19)
-The letter “N” in chapter 52 occurs 133 times in the chapter, which is again a
whole multiple of 19(133=7x19)
What these constructs really mean is that besides the eloquent discourse, wisdom, historical events,
commands, judgments, social orders and a multitude physical, terrestrial and other natural phenomena coined in these words, verses and chapters that have been constructed
in a mathematically intricate pattern that leaves the reader amazed and in awe.
Having digested the above facts that roll around the number 19, one may legitimately wonder why the number 19
has been selected by God to be the center around which He chose to construct His Word?
To answer this question let us see if there is a connection to the other distinct attribute that
distinguishes Him from the rest of His Creation , and that is His Oneness which puts this discourse in proper perspective.
The Arabic word which describes this attribute is “Wahid”
-- واحد
which translates into “One and Alone.” His Oneness is the central axis around which all of His revelations
were based, from Adam through Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad. The message is simply that God alone is the Creator of the whole universe and the rest of the people are
equal and are given equal opportunity to earn His grace.
The question remains; is there a connection between the number 19 and His Oneness?
The answer turns out to be contained in the number value system of the Arabic letters. This system was known
from before the revelation of the Quran. A similar one in the Hebrew language was also in use. The value system for the Arabic letters is given in the table below:
Table of Numerical Values of Arabic Letters
1 |
Arabic Letter
Value |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
Arabic Letter
Value |
100 |
90 |
80 |
70 |
60 |
50 |
40 |
30 |
20 |
Arabic Letter
Value |
1000 |
900 |
800 |
700 |
600 |
500 |
400 |
300 |
200 |
Arabic Letter
Value |
From the table the numerical value of the Arabic word-واحد
can be found from the table by adding (counting from right to left)
the numerical value of the first Arabic letter which is equal to 6
to the numerical value of the second Arabic letter which is equal to 1
to the numerical value of the third Arabic letter which is equal to 8
to the numerical value of the last and fourth Arabic letter in the word which is equal to 4
the total = 6+1+8+4 = 19
The purpose of God’s choice in using the number 19 as the basis for the mathematical structural ordering of
His Words is indicative of His Oneness and that the Quran is His Word.