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HOLY QUR'AN, Continued
Translated by M.H. Shakir
Edited by Yasin T. al-Jibouri
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
We sent Noah to his people (with the command): “Warn your people before a grievous penalty comes to them.”
He said, “O people! I am a plain warner to you:
“That you should worship Allah, fear Him, and obey me:
“So that He may forgive your sins and grant you a respite for a stated term, for when the term given by Allah is accomplished,
it cannot be extended, if only you knew.”
He said, “O Lord! I have called upon my people night and day:
“But my call only increases (their) flight (from the right).
“And every time I call upon them so that You may forgive them, they (only) thrust their fingers into their ears, cover
themselves up with their garments, grow obstinate and grant themselves up to arrogance.
“So I have called upon them aloud;
“Further I have spoken to them in public and privately,
“Saying, `Plead for your Lord's forgiveness, for He is oft-Forgiving;
“`He will send you rain in abundance;
“Grant you increase in wealth and offspring, and bestow upon you gardens and bestow rivers (flowing).
“`What is the matter with you that you do not fear the greatness of Allah,
“`Seeing that it is Who has created you in diverse stages?
“`Do you not see how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another,
“`And made the moon a light in their midst, and made the sun as a (glorious) lamp?
“`And Allah has produced you from the earth, growing (gradually),
“`And in the end He will cause you to return to the (earth) and then raise you from it (again at the Resurrection)?
“`And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out),
“`That you may go about in it, on spacious roads.”'
Noah said, “O Lord! They have disobeyed me, they follow those whose wealth and children increase them nothing but loss.
“And they have devised a tremendous plot.
“And they have said (to each other), `Do not abandon your gods; abandon neither Wudd nor Suw
neither Yagtha
nor Ya'qa,
nor Nasrun.'
“They have already misled many, and grant no increase to the wrong-doers except in straying (from the right path).”
Because of their sins they were drowned, and were made to enter the Fire (for punishment), and they found! in lieu of God! none
to help them.
And Noah said, “O Lord! Do not leave a single one of the disbelievers on earth!
“If You do leave (any of) them, they will only mislead Your devotees, and they will beget none but wicked ungrateful ones.
“O Lord! Forgive me, my parents, all those who enter my house in faith, and (all) believing men and women, and grant no increase
to the wrong-doers but in perdition!”
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Say: “It has been revealed to me that a company of jinns (genies) listened (to the Qur'an being recited). They said, `We have
really heard a wonderful recital!
“`It gives guidance to the right (path), and we have believed in it: We shall not join any (gods) with our Lord (in worship).
“`And the majesty of our Lord is exalted: He has taken neither a wife nor a son.
“`There were some foolish ones among us who used to utter extravagant lies against Allah;
“`But we think that no man or spirit should say anything that is untrue against Allah.
“`True, there were persons among mankind who took shelter with some among the jinns, but they increased them in folly.
“`And they (came to) think as you thought, that Allah would not raise anyone (to Judgment).
“`And we pried into the secrets of heavens; but we found it filled with stern guards and flaming fires.
“`We used, indeed, to sit there in (hidden) stations, to (steal) a hearing; but any who listens now will find a flaming Fire
awaiting him in ambush.
“`And we do not understand whether ill is intended to those on earth, or whether their Lord (really) intends to guide them to
right conduct.
“`There are among us some who are righteous, and some on the contrary: We follow divergent paths.
“`But we think that we can by no means frustrate Allah throughout the earth, nor can we frustrate Him by flight.
“`As for us, since we have listened to the guidance, we have accepted it, and any who believes in his Lord has no fear either
due to a brief (account) or any injustice.
“`Among us are some who submit their will (to Allah), and some who swerve from justice. Now those who submit their wills! they
have sought out (the path) of right conduct.
“`But those who swerve! they are (only) the fuel of Hell-Fire.”'
(And God's message is:) “If they (the pagans) had (only) remained on the (right) way, We would certainly have bestowed rain on
them in abundance.
“That We might try them by those (means), so if any turns away from remembering his Lord, We will cause him to undergo a severe
“And the places of worship are for Allah (alone), so do not invoke anyone besides Allah;
“Yet when the devotee of Allah stands forth to invoke Him, they just make a dense crowd around him.”
Say: “I only invoke my Lord, and I do not join any (false god) with Him.”
Say: “It is not in my power to cause you any harm, or to bring you to right conduct.”
Say: “No one can save me from Allah (if I were to disobey Him), nor would I find refuge except in Him,
“Unless I proclaim what I receive from Allah and His messages: Because any who disobey Him and His Messenger! hell is for them:
They shall dwell therein for ever.”
At length, when they see (with their own eyes) what they are promised, will they then know who it is that is weakest in (his)
helper and fewer in number.
Say: “I do not know whether the (punishment) which you are promised is near, or whether my Lord will appoint for it a distant
“He (alone) knows the unseen, and He makes no one acquainted with His mysteries,
“Except a Messenger whom He has chosen, and then He makes a band of guards march before him and behind him,
“That he may know that they have (truly) brought and delivered their Lord's messages, and He encompasses (all the mysteries)
that are with them, and takes account of every thing.”
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
O you wrapped up in garments!
Stand (to pray) by night, but not all night,
Half of it, or a little less,
Or a little more, and recite the Qur'an in slow, measured rhythmic tones.
We will soon send down a weighty message to you.
Truly the rising by night is most potent for governing (the soul), and most suitable for (framing) the speech (in prayer and
True, there is a prolonged occupation for you along with ordinary duties during the day:
But keep remembering the name of your Lord and devote yourself to Him wholeheartedly.
(He is the) Lord of the East and the West: There is no god but He, so take Him for (your) Disposer of affairs.
And be patient with what they say, and leave them with noble (dignity).
11. And leave Me (alone to deal with) those in possession of the good things in life, who (yet) deny the truth, and bear with
them for a little while.
With Us are fetters (to bind them), and a Fire (to burn them),
And food that chokes, and a grievous penalty.
One Day the earth and the mountains will be in violent commotion, and the mountains will be as a heap of sand poured out and
flowing down.
We have sent you (O men!) a Messenger to be a witness concerning you, just as We sent a Messenger to Pharaoh.
But Pharaoh disobeyed the Messenger; so We seized him with a heavy punishment.
Then how will you guard yourselves, if you deny (Allah), against a Day that will make children hoary-headed?
On which the sky will be cleft asunder? His promise must surely be accomplished.
Truly this is a warning, so let anyone who will, take a (straight) path to his Lord!
The Lord knows that you stand forth to (prayers) nearly two-thirds of the night, or half the night or a third of the night, and
so do some of those with your, but Allah appoints the night and the day in due measure. He knows that you are unable to keep account of them. He has turned to you (in mercy):
Recite, therefore, as much of the Qur'an as may be easy for you. He knows that there may be (some) among you in ill-health; others travelling throughout the land, seeking God's
bounty, and others fighting in God's cause. Recite, therefore, as much of the Qur'an as may be easy (for you), and establish regular prayers and grant regular charity, and loan
a beautiful loan to Allah. And whatever good you send forth for your souls, you shall find it in God's presence! Yes, better and greater, in reward. And seek God's grace, for
Allah is oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
O you draped (in a mantle)!
Arise and deliver your warning!
And your Lord glorify!
And your garments purify!
And shun all abomination!
Nor expect, in giving, any increase (for yourself)!
But be patient and constant for your Lord's (cause)!
Finally when the trumpet is sounded,
That will be the Day, a Day of distress,
Far from easy for those without faith.
Leave Me alone (to deal) with the (creature) I created (bare and) alone!
To whom I granted resources in abundance,
And sons to be by his side!
For whom I made (life) smooth and comfortable!
Yet he is greedy! that I should add (yet more);
By no means! For he has been refractory to Our Signs!
Soon will I visit him with a mount of calamities!
For he thought and he plotted;
And woe unto him! How he plotted!
Yes, woe unto him! How he plotted!
Then he looked round;
Then he frowned and he scowled;
Then he turned back and was haughty;
Then he said, “This is nothing but magic narrated by the ancients;
“This is nothing but the word of mortals!”
I will soon cast him into Hell-fire!
And what will explain to you what Hell-fire is?
It permits nothing to endure, and it leaves nothing alone!
Darkening and changing the color of man!
(There) are nineteen over it.
And We have set none but angels as guardians of the Fire, and We have fixed their number only as a trial for the disbelievers! so
that the People of the Book may reach conviction, and the believers may increase in faith! and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the believers, and that
those in whose hearts there is a disease and the disbelievers may (all) say, “What symbol does Allah intend by this?” Thus does Allah leave to stray whom He pleases, and guides
whom He pleases, and none can know the Lord's forces except He, and this is nothing other than a warning to mankind.
Nay! Truly, by the moon,
And by the night as it retreats,
And by the dawn as it shines forth,
This is but one of the mighty (portents),
A warning to mankind,
To any of you who chooses to press forward or to follow behind.
Every soul will be (held) in pledge for its deeds.
Except the companions of the right Hand,
(They will be) in gardens (of delight): They will question each other,
And (ask) the sinners:
“What led you into Hell-fire?”
They will say, “We were not of those who prayed:
“Nor were we of those who fed the indigent:
“But we used to talk vanities with vain talkers;
“And we used to deny the Day of Judgment,
“Until (the sure Hour) that came to us.”
Then no intercession of (any) intercessors will avail them.
Then what is the matter with them that they turn away from admonishment?
As if they were frightened asses,
Fleeing from a lion!
In truth, each one of them wants to be given scrolls (of Revelation) spread out!
By no means! But they do not fear the hereafter.
Nay! This surely is an admonishment:
Let any who will, keep it in remembrance!
But none will keep it in remembrance except as Allah wills: He is the Lord of righteousness, and the Lord of forgiveness.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
I call to witness the Resurrection Day;
And I call to witness the self-reproaching spirit: (eschew evil.)
Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones?
Nay! We are able to put together the very tips of his fingers in perfect order.
But man wishes to do wrong (even) in the time ahead of him.
He questions, “When is the Day of Resurrection?”
At length, when the sight is dazed,
And the moon is buried in darkness,
And the sun and moon are joined together,
That Day, man will say, “Where is the refuge?”
By no means! No place of safety!
That Day, the place of rest will be with your Lord (alone)!
That Day man will be informed of (all) that he put forward, and all that he put back.
Nay! Man will bear evidence against his own self,
Even though he puts forth his excuses.
Do not wag your tongue concerning the (Qur'an) to hasten with it.
It is for Us to collect it and promulgate it:
But when We have promulgated it, follow its recital (as promulgated):
Nay! Again, it is for Us to explain it:
Nay! (O men!) But you love the fleeting life,
And forsake the hereafter.
Some faces that Day will beam (in brightness and beauty):
Looking to their Lord:
And some faces, that Day, will be sad and dismal,
In the thought that some back-breaking calamity is about to be inflicted upon them;
Yes, when (the soul) reaches the collar-bone (in its exit),
And there will be a cry, “Who is a magician (to restore him)?”
And he will conclude that it was (the time) of parting;
And one leg will be joined to another:
That Day the drive will be (all) to your Lord!
So he gave nothing in charity, nor did he pray!
On the contrary, he rejected the truth and turned away!
Then he stalked to his family in full conceit!
Woe unto you, (O man!) yes, woe!
Again, woe unto you, (O man!) yes woe!
Does man think that he will be left uncontrolled, (without purpose)?
Was he not a drop of sperm emitted (in lowly form)?
Then he became a leech-like clot; then (Allah) made and fashioned (him) in due proportion.
And He created two sexes of him, male and female.
Has not He, (likewise,) the power to grant life to the dead?
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Has there been a period of time when man was nothing! (not even) mentioned?
Truly We created man from a drop of mingled sperm in order to try him, so We gave him (the gifts) of hearing and sight.
We showed him the way: Whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will).
We have prepared chains, yokes, and a blazing Fire for the rejecters.
As for the righteous, they shall drink of a cup (of wine) mixed with kafr,
A fountain where the devotees of Allah drink, flowing in unstinted abundance.
They perform (their) vows and they fear a Day whose evil flies far and wide.
And they feed the poor, the orphan and the captive, for the love of Allah,
(Saying,) “We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: We desire no reward from you, nor thanks.
“We only fear a Day of distressing Wrath from our Lord.”
But Allah will deliver them from the evil of that Day and will shed over them a light of beauty and a (blissful) joy.
Because they were patient and constant, He will reward them with a Garden and silk (garments),
Reclining in the (Garden) on raised thrones, there they will see neither the sun's (excessive heat) nor (the moon's) chill,
And the shades of the (Garden) will hang low over them, and the bunches (of fruit) will hang low in humility.
And among them vessels of silver and goblets of crystal will be passed around,
Crystal-clear silver: They will determine its measure (as they please).
And they will be given to drink from a cup (of wine) mixed with Zanjabil,
A fountain there, called Salsabil,
And round about them youths of perpetual (age) will (serve): If you saw them, you would regard them as scattered pearls.
And when you look, it is there that you will see a bliss and a magnificent realm.
Upon them will be green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade, and they will be adorned with bracelets of silver, and their
Lord will grant them pure and holy wine to drink.
“Truly this is a reward for you, and your endeavor is accepted and recognized.”
It is We Who have sent down the Qur'an to you in stages.
So be constant to your Lord's command, and do not listen to the sinner or the ingrate among them.
And celebrate your Lord's name morning and evening,
And part of the night, prostrate to Him, and glorify Him a long night through.
As to these, they love the fleeting life and put away behind them a Day (that will be) hard indeed.
It is We Who created them, and We have made their joints strong; but, if We will, We can substitute the like of them through a
complete change.
This is an admonishment: Let whoever pleases take a (straight) path to his Lord.
But you will not, except as Allah pleases, for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.
He will admit whomsoever He wills into His Mercy; but the wrong-doers! for them He has prepared a grievous penalty.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
By the (winds) sent forth one after another (to man's benefit);
Which then blow violently in tempestuous gusts,
And scatter (things) far and wide,
Then separate them, one from another,
Then bring down a Revelation,
Whether of justification or whether of warning;
What you are promised surely must come to pass.
Then when the stars become dim:
When heavens is cleft asunder;
When the mountains are scattered (to the winds) as dust;
And when the Messengers are (all) appointed a time (to assemble);
For what Day are these (portents) deferred?
For the Day of sorting out.
And what will explain to you what the Day of sorting out is?
Ah woe, that Day, unto the rejecters of truth!
Did We not destroy the men of old (for their evil)?
So We made later (generations) follow them up.
Thus do We deal with men of sin.
Ah woe, that Day, unto the rejecters of truth!
Have We not created you from a fluid (held) despicable?
Which We placed in a place of rest, firmly fixed,
For a determined period (of gestation)?
For We determine (according to need), for We are the Best to appropriate!
Ah woe, that Day, unto the rejecters of truth!
Have We not made the earth (as a place) to draw together,
The living and the dead,
And set on it mountains standing firm, lofty (in stature), and provided sweet (and wholesome) water for you?
Ah woe, that Day, unto the rejecters of truth!
(It will be said,) “Depart towards what you used to reject as false!
“Depart towards a shadow (of smoke ascending) in three columns,
“(Which yields) no shade of coolness and is of no use against the fierce blaze.
“Indeed it throws about sparks (as huge) as forts,
“As if there were (a string of) yellow camels (marching swiftly).”
Ah woe, that Day, unto the rejecters of truth!
That will be a Day when they are not able to speak,
Nor will it be open to them to put forth pleas.
Ah woe, that Day, unto the rejecters of truth!
That will be a Day of sorting! We shall gather you together and those before (you)!
Now, if you have a trick (or plot), use it against Me!
Ah woe, that Day, unto the rejecters of truth!
As to the righteous, they shall be amidst (cool) shades and springs,
And (they shall have) fruits! all that they desire.
“Eat and drink to your heart's content because you did (righteous deeds).”
Thus do We certainly reward the doers of good.
Ah woe, that Day, unto the rejecters of truth!
(O you the unjust!) Eat and enjoy yourselves (for) a short while, for you are sinners.
Ah woe, that Day, unto the rejecters of truth!
And when it is said to them, “Prostrate!” They do not (do) so.
Ah woe, that Day, unto the rejecters of truth!
Then what message after all that, will they believe?
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
About what are they disputing?
About the great event,
About which they cannot agree.
Truly they shall soon (come to) know!
Truly, indeed, they shall soon (come to) know!
Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse,
And the mountains as pegs?
And (have We not) created you in pairs,
And made your sleep for rest,
And made the night as a covering,
And made the day as means of subsistence?
And (have We not) built over you the seven firmaments,
And placed (in them) a light of splendor?
And do We not send down water in abundance from the clouds,
(So) that We may produce thereby corn and vegetables,
And gardens of luxurious growth?
Truly the Day of sorting is (already) set,
The Day that the trumpet shall be sounded, and you will come forth in crowds;
And the heavens shall be opened as if they were doors,
And the mountains shall vanish, as if they were a mirage.
Truly Hell is as a place of ambush,
A place of destination for the transgressors:
They will dwell therein for ages.
There they shall taste nothing cool, nor drink,
Save a boiling fluid and a dark, murky, fluid intensely chilled,
A fitting recompense (for them).
Because they used not to fear any account (for their deeds).
But they (impudently) held Our Signs as false.
And We have preserved all things on record.
“So taste (the fruits of your deeds), for We shall grant you no increase except in punishment.”
Truly there will be a fulfillment of (the heart's) desires for the righteous;
Enclosed Gardens and grape-vines;
Companions of equal age;
And a cup full (to the brim).
They will hear no vanity there, nor falsehood;
A recompense from your Lord, an (amply) sufficient boon,
(From) the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all between! (Allah) Most Gracious: None shall have power to argue with Him.
The Day that the spirit and the angels stand forth in ranks, none shall speak except those who are permitted by (Allah) Most
Gracious and will say what is right.
That Day will be the sure reality: Therefore, let whoever please take a (straight) return to his Lord!
Truly We have warned you of a near penalty! the Day when man sees (the deeds) which his hands have sent forth, and the
disbeliever will say, “Woe unto me! If only I were (mere) dust!”
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
By the (angels) who violently tear out (the souls of the wicked):
By those who gently draw out (the souls of the blessed);
And by those who glide along (on errands of mercy),
Then press forward as in a race,
Then arrange to carry out (the commands of their Lord);
One Day everything that can agitate will be in violent commotion,
Followed by oft-repeated (commotions):
Hearts that Day will be in agitation.
Eyes will be cast down.
(Now) they say, “What?! Shall we indeed be returned to (our) former state?
“What?! (Even) when we have become rotten bones?”
They say, “It would, in that case, be a return with loss!”
But truly, it will be but a single (compelling) cry,
When, behold! They will be in the (full) awakening (to Judgment).
Has the story of Moses reached you?
Behold! Your Lord called unto him in the sacred valley of Tuwa:
“Go to Pharaoh, for he has indeed transgressed all bounds:
“And say to him, `Would you be purified (from sin)?
“`And that I guide you to your Lord, so you should fear Him?”'
Then (Moses) showed him the great Sign.
But (Pharaoh) rejected it and disobeyed;
Further, he turned his back, striving hard (against Allah).
Then he collected (his men) and made a proclamation,
Saying, “I am your Lord, Most High.”
But Allah punished him (and made an) example of him! in the hereafter, as in this life.
Truly in this there is a lesson for any who fears (Allah).
What?! Are you more difficult to create or the heavens (above)? (Allah) constructed it:
He raised its canopy on high, and He gave it order and perfection;
He endows its night with darkness, and He brings out its splendor (with light).
And He has expanded the earth, moreover, (to a wide expanse):
From it he draws out its moisture and its pasture from it:
And He has firmly fixed the mountains;
For use and convenience to you and your cattle.
Therefore, when the great, overwhelming (event) comes,
The Day when man remembers (all) that he strove for,
And Hell-fire shall be placed in full view for (all) to see,
Then, for those who had transgressed all bounds,
And preferred the life of this world,
The abode will be Hell-fire;
And for those who had entertained the fear of standing before their Lord's (tribunal) and had restrained (their) soul from lower
Their abode will be the Garden.
They ask you about the Hour: “When will its appointed time be?”
Why are you (concerned) with its declaration?
The limit for it is fixed with your Lord.
You are only a warner for those who fear it.
The Day they see it, (it will be) as if they had tarried but a single evening, or (at most till) the following morn!
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
(The Prophet) frowned and turned away,
Because the blind man came to him, (interrupting).
But what could tell you that he might grow (in spiritual understanding)?
Or that he might receive admonishment, and the teaching benefit him?
As for the one who regards himself as self-sufficient,
To him do you attend;
Though it is no blame on you if he does not grow (in spiritual understanding).
But as for him who came to you striving earnestly,
And with fear (in his heart),
Of him you were unmindful.
By no means (should it be so)! For it is indeed a message of instruction:
Therefore let whoever wills keep it in memory.
Recorded in books held in (great) honor,
Exalted (in dignity), kept pure and holy.
(Written) by the hands of scribes,
Honorable, pious and just.
Woe unto man! What has made him reject Allah?
From what stuff has He created him?
From a sperm-drop He creates him, then molds him in due proportions;
Then He makes his path smooth for him;
Then He causes him to die and puts him in his grave;
Then, when it is His will, He raises him up (again).
By no means has he fulfilled what Allah has commanded him.
Then let man look at his food, (how We provide it):
We pour forth water in abundance for it,
And We split the earth in fragments,
And produce corn on it,
And grapes and nutritious plants,
And olives and dates,
And enclosed gardens, dense with lofty trees,
And fruits and fodder,
For the use and convenience of yourselves and your cattle.
At length, when the deafening noise comes,
That Day a man will flee from his own brother,
And from his mother and his father,
And from his wife and offspring.
Each one of them, that Day, will have enough concern (of his own) to make him indifferent to others.
Some faces that Day will be beaming,
Laughing, rejoicing,
And other faces that Day will be dust-stained;
Blackness will cover them:
Such will be those who reject Allah, the doers of iniquity.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up;
When the stars fall, losing their luster;
When the mountains vanish (like a mirage);
When the she-camels, ten months with young, are left untended;
When the wild beasts are herded together (in human habitations);
When the oceans boil over with a swell;
When the souls are united;
When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned
What crime is it that she was killed for;
When the scrolls are laid open;
When the world up high is unveiled:
When the blazing Fire is kindled to fierce heat;
And when the Garden is brought near;
Each soul will then know what it has put forth.
So truly I call to witness the planets! that recede,
Go straight, or hide,
And the night as it dissipates.
And the dawn as it breathes darkness away;
Truly this is the word of a most honorable messenger,
Endowed with power, with rank before the Lord of the throne,
With authority there, (and) faithful of his trust.
And (O people!) your Companion is not possessed;
And without doubt he saw him in the clear horizon.
Neither does he grudgingly withhold knowledge of the unseen,
Nor is it the word of an evil accursed spirit.
Then where are you heading?
Truly this is no less than a message to (all) the worlds:
(With benefit) to whoever among you wills to go straight.
But you shall not will (so) except as Allah wills, the Cherisher of the worlds.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
When the sky is cleft asunder;
When the stars are scattered;
When the oceans are suffered to burst forth;
And when the graves are turned upside down;
Each soul shall then know what it has sent forth and (what it has) withheld.
O man! What has seduced you from your Most Beneficent Lord?
Who created you, fashioned you in due proportion, and gave you a symmetry;
In whatever form He wills, He shapes you.
Nay! But you reject what is right and the Judgment!
But truly (angels are appointed) over you to protect you,
Kind and honorable, writing down (your deeds):
They know (and understand) all that you do.
As for the righteous, they will be in bliss;
And the wicked! they will be in the Fire,
Which they will enter on the Day of Judgment,
And they will not be able to keep away from it.
And what will explain to you what the Day of Judgment is?
Again, what will explain to you what the Day of Judgment is?
(It will be) the Day when no soul has (the) power (to do) anything for another, for the command, that Day, will be (wholly) with
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Woe unto those who deal in fraud,
Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure,
But when they have to grant by measure or weight to men, grant less than due.
Do they not think that they will be called to account?
On a mighty Day,
A Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds?
Nay! Surely the record of the wicked is (preserved) in Sijjin.
And what will explain to you what Sijjin is?
(There is) a register (fully) inscribed.
Woe, that Day, unto those who deny,
Those who deny the Day of Judgment.
And none can deny it except a transgressor beyond bounds, a sinner!
When Our Signs are recited to him, he says, “Tales of the ancients!”
By no means! But the stain of the (ill) that they do is on their hearts!
Truly they will be veiled from (the light of) their Lord that Day.
Further, they will enter the Fire of Hell.
Further, it will be said to them, “This is the (truth) which you rejected as false!”
Nay! Truly the record of the righteous is (preserved) in `Illiyyin.
And what will explain to you what `Illiyyin is?
(There is) a register (fully) inscribed,
To which those nearest (to Allah) bear witness.
Truly the righteous will be in bliss:
On thrones (of dignity), they will command a view (of all things):
You will recognize the beaming brightness of bliss on their faces.
Their thirst will be slaked with pure sealed wine:
The seal on it will be musk, and for this let those who have aspirations aspire:
A mixture of Tasnim will be (given) with it:
A spring, from (the waters) of which those nearest to Allah drink.
Those in sin used to laugh at those who believed,
And whenever they passed by them, they used to wink at each other (in mockery);
And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting:
And whenever they saw them, they would say, “Behold! These people are truly astray!”
Yet they had not been sent as keepers over them!
But on this Day the believers will laugh at the disbelievers.
On thrones (of dignity), they will command (a view of all things).
Will the disbelievers not have been paid back for what they did?
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
When the sky is rent asunder,
And listens to (the command of) its Lord! and it must (do so);
And when the Earth is flattened out,
And casts forth what is within it and becomes empty,
And listens to (the command of) its Lord! and it must (do so)! (then the full reality will be driven home).
O man! Truly you are always toiling towards the Lord, painfully toiling, and you shall meet Him.
Then whoever is given his record in his right hand,
Soon his account will be taken by an easy reckoning,
And he will turn to his people, rejoicing!
But whoever is given His record behind his back,
He will soon cry for perdition,
And he will enter a blazing Fire.
Truly he went about among his people, rejoicing!
Truly he thought that he would not have to return (to Us)!
Nay! Nay! For his Lord was (always) watchful over him!
So I call to witness the ruddy glow of sunset,
The night and its homing,
And the moon in her fullness,
You shall surely travel from stage to stage.
What then is the matter with them, that they do not believe?
And when the Qur'an is read to them, they do not prostrate,
On the contrary, the disbelievers reject (it).
But Allah has full knowledge of what they secrete (in their breasts).
So announce a grievous penalty to them,
Except to those who believe and do righteous deeds; for them (there) is a reward that will never fail.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
By the heavens, holding mansions of
the stars,
By the promised Day (of Judgment);
By One Who witnesses, and the subject of the Witness;
Woe unto the makers of the pit (of Fire),
Fire supplied (abundantly) with fuel:
Behold! They sat by the (Fire),
And they witnessed (all that) they were doing against the believers.
And they ill-treated them for no reason other than that they believed in Allah, Exalted in power, Worthy of all praise!
Him to Whom the dominion of the heavens and the earth belongs! And Allah is Witness to all things.
Those who persecute the Believers, men and women, (or draw them into temptation) and do not turn in repentance, will have the
penalty of Hell: They will have the penalty of the burning Fire.
For those who believe and do righteous deeds, (there) will be gardens beneath which rivers flow: That is the great salvation,
(the fulfillment of all desires).
Truly your Lord's grip (and power) is mighty.
It is Who creates from the very beginning, and He can restore (life).
And He is the oft-Forgiving, Full of loving kindness,
The Lord of the Throne of Glory,
Who does (without hindrance) all that He intends.
Has the story reached you of the forces,
Of Pharaoh and Thamd?
Yet the disbelievers (persist) in rejecting (the truth);
But Allah encompasses them from behind!
Nay! This is a glorious Qur'an,
In a preserved tablet (inscribed).
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